Pigments, lava and acrylic on canvas
Pigmentit, laava ja akryyli kankaalle
200 x 150 cm, 2016
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I spent my childhood summers in Ostrobothnia, where delicately green peatland meadows grew golden reeds that swayed in the wind. Beneath the boggy moss black water welled up from the swamp. When I was a child, that black water used to scare me and I guess it still does. In Porkkala, where I could see that the bottom of the sea was sandy, I finally learnt to swim.
Vietin lapsuuteni kesiä Pohjanmaalla, jossa hennonvihreät suoniityt kasvoivat kultaisia, tuulessa huojuvia ruokoja. Upottavien sammalten alla velloi suon musta vesi, jonka pimeyttä pelkäsin jo silloin ja taidan kavahtaa edelleenkin. Opin uimaan vasta meren rannalla Porkkalassa, jossa näin vaalean hiekkapohjan.